Purpose: heroic
Base of Operations: New York City area

History: In the summer of 1986, the sorcerer Mystifier learned about a plot by his arch-enemy Zandorok to invade the Earth with an army of monsterous creations from another dimension. Mystifier decided to gather a group of young heroes, some whom he had worked with in the past, to drive off this threat. The team was successful in stopping the evil sorcerer and decided to work together in the future under the name of the Protectors.

The first publicly known adventure of the team was when they faced the super-criminal group called the Octagon. They later assisted other groups of heroes in fending off an invasion from the Destroyer and his huge alien armada. After that, they faced other threats - from organized crime to super-criminals to interdimensional threats. All the while, the young heroes became good friends and some even developed romantic relationships with one another.

The team remained active until 1999. At that point, some of the members went into semi-retirement to raise their families. Others moved on and some were even asked to join the ranks of the world famous Justice Gang.





Hydro Girl




the User

Night Owl


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