Then And Now: Amazon
(under 4th Edition rules)

Background: Diana Kane was always an activist, interested in journalism as far back as her high school days. While interviewing a research scientist, she was exposed to some radiation that caused changes in her body. Suddenly she found she grow slightly bigger, with an increase proportionally to her strength. She kept her powers a secret while she tried to learn to understand them. Then, one day while covering a political rally during college, the senator for New York was kidnapped. Diana pursued the men responsible on her own, wearing a mask to disguise herself, and was able to rescue the senator. At his suggestion, she decided to take up a side career in crime fighting.

Diana took up the name of Amazon and donned a costume to help further conceal her identity. It wasn't long before she made her first arch-enemy, the roller derby queen during criminal called Madame Mammoth. Alone or with her gang called the Highrollers, Mammoth was often defeated by the heroine.

Amazon's path also crossed with other heroes of the New York City area, including the young sorceror known as Mystifier. The two had worked together on a few occasions before the summer for 1986 when he gathered Amazon and six other young heroes to form the team known as the Protectors. Their first mission was to stop an interdimensional invasion by the evil sorceror named Zandorok.

Amazon and the Protectors soon ran up against Madame Mammoth who had teamed with seven other super-villains to form the team known as the Octagon. That villain team was short lived as Mammoth and three of the others later split off to become the Evil Elite.

Diana lost her boosted strength and growth powers during an invasion lead by the last member of an alien race known as the Destroyers. His mighty Omega-Energy stripped her of the powers that radiation had first given her. Deciding she had nothing to offer the Protectors, she left the team.

(continued after "then" stats...)

20/35 Strengthx11010
24 Dexterityx31042
25 Constitutionx21030
12/15 Bodyx2104
12 Intelligencex1102
11 Egox2102
15 Presencex1105
14 Comelinessx1/2102
15 Physical Defensex1411
15 Energy Defensex1510
5 Speedx103.416
15 Recoveryx2912
60 Endurancex1/2505
37/40 Stunx1352
Secret IDDiana Kane15
HuntedMadame Mammoth, as powerful, harsh, appear 11-15
HuntedProtectors foes, more powerful, harsh, appear 8-15
DNPCMichelle Kane (sister), normal, appear 8-10
DNPCRegis Warring (boss), normal, appear 11-15
Psych LimProtective of innocents, common, strong15
Disadvantages Total:85
Experience Spent:+0
Total Points:=235
Rolls:STR: 13/16 DEX: 13 PER: 11
INT: 11 EGO: 11
CVs:OCV: 9 DCV: 9 ECV: 4
Phases: 3 5 8 10 12
153 Levels Growth (stats already included)1
42 Levels: offensive attacks
1025% Damage Reduction (ED)
1025% Damage Reduction (PD)
5Acrobatics 15-
5Breakfall 15-
5Persuasion 13-
3PS: Journalism 11- (INT based)
3Climbing 14-
810" Running2
512" Superleap6
73: Powers Total
153 + Characteristic Total
226 = Total Cost

Background (continued): But, as she was heading to Boston to visit some old college friends, she was spotted by her old enemy and captured. Mammoth had Doctor Delirium brainwash the young woman while Mammoth herself found a way to augment the woman's strength through chemical means. When all was ready, the villains used her to lead them to the rest of the Protectors in hopes of defeating the heroes who had previously defeated them. The plan failed.

Diana's memory was restored after being in contact with the gemstone belonging to the former heroine Star Light. When the Protectors were able to return the stone back to Star Light's father - the hero known as Space Lord, he rewarded Diana by presenting her with a battle staff equipped with a fragment of the gem on the end along with a revised costume. This combined with some training with the man known as Karate Master, Diana became Amazon once more.

Diana became romantically involved with Stephen Brandon (Tigerman II) after the two learned each other's secret identities while working on a case together. Stephen was instrumental in getting Diana and some of her friends from the Protectors into the ranks of the Justice Gang when the Protectors disbanded in 1999. She was very pleased to join the esteemed group.

Motivation: Amazon is a true fighter in every sense of the word. She won't give up on a cause if it something she believes in. Even when she gave up on herself when she lost her powers, fate had other plans for her. She truly feels she is destined to be a super-hero and takes that task very seriously.

50 Strengthx11040
26 Dexterityx31048
30 Constitutionx21040
18 Bodyx21016
12 Intelligencex1102
11 Egox2102
15 Presencex1105
14 Comelinessx1/2102
20 Physical Defensex11010
16 Energy Defensex1610
5 Speedx103.614
20 Recoveryx2168
72 Endurancex1/2606
60 Stunx1582
Secret IDDiana Kane15
HuntedJustice Gang foes, more powerful, harsh, appear 11-20
HuntedProtectors foes, more powerful, harsh, appear 11-20
Psych LimFear of the Destroyer, uncommon, total15
Psych LimProtective of innocents, common, strong15
Physic LimHard to swim in armor10
Disadvantages Total:95
Experience Spent:+162
Total Points:=407
Rolls:STR: 19 DEX: 14 PER: 11
INT: 11 EGO: 11
CVs:OCV: 11 DCV: 11 ECV: 4
Phases: 3 5 8 10 12
12 5D6 Energy Blast, OIF staff (-1/2)5
5Weapons Fam. - Common Melee
64D6 HA, pole staff OAF(-1), unbreakable
324 Levels, all combat
37 10/10 Armor, x1 hardened (+1/4)
2050% Damage Red. PD, armor, resistant, IAF (-1/2)
2050% Damage Red. ED, armor, resistant, IAF (-1/2)
1820/16 Damage Resistance
5Lack of Weakness
5Acrobatics 15-
5Breakfall 15-
5PS: Journalism 13- (INT based)
4Contacts: news and publishing 13-
3Climbing 14-
810" Running2
515" Superleap6
10Communicator Type A: Rado XMIT/REC, 10 INT (10 functions), IAF (-1/2)
202: Powers Total
205 + Characteristic Total
407 = Total Cost