The World of Maenza: Online is the Internet extension of the World of Maenza zine that appeared in The Clobberin' Times APA (Amateur Press Association) from September 1988 to January 2000.

All characters, stories and art on this site are copyright (C) by Martin C. Maenza - except where otherwise noted.


World of Maenza: Online Issue #7

Welcome to the 2nd year of my online zine dealing with the Champions RPG and my game creations! Here's the table of contents for this issue:

  • Continuing my rewriting of my old fiction pieces from 1983: the next two Protectors stories can be found here: "Who's That Girl?", and "The Pinch of the Claw"! As always, it is best to read the stories before checking out the character sheets below.

  • Tying into the fiction in this issue, I'm presenting another member of the Protectors, the User, and one of his enemies, Jake "Steel Claw" Dunbar.

  • Lastly, I'm starting to give short synopsis entries for teams and organizations for my gameworld. Here are the first three, which have been featured in the fiction pieces posted in 2005: the Justice Gang, the Protectors and the Octagon. More details on these as well as other groups come in future updates.
