The World of Maenza: Online is the Internet extension of the World of Maenza zine that appeared in The Clobberin' Times APA (Amateur Press Association) from September 1988 to January 2000.

All characters, stories and art on this site are copyright (C) by Martin C. Maenza - except where otherwise noted.


World of Maenza: Online Issue #31

    Welcome to another issue of my Champions APA.

    As we begin our sixth (!!) year online, I find myself going back to the team that started it all in my fictional world (that became my Champions gaming world) - the Justice Gang. As I mentioned before, this was the group who started out in simple fiction done with pencil and notebook paper back in sixth grade study hall (back in 1976/1977). As I was just getting into super-hero comics heavily at the time, they were very much modelled after the Justice League of America. So, this time out I present a few more heroes from that group, allowing me to round out the nine team founders with their online entries. I've also gone back to other previous character sheets and added in the links to the three new characters where necessary. I love the dynamic, inter-linked aspect that HTML presentation allows!

    First up is the Blue Bowman/Golden Archer, my world's answer to Green Arrow. This hero started out named after the one-time Batman foe but I ended up changing that name early on to the more rich colored hue. I always found trick-arrows to be a cool thing, something for every occasion. This sheet shows an example of some that he carried (I envision the contents of the quiver changed periodically).

    Next is Tigerman (the first). In an earlier issue you got to meet his son, the one carrying on the legacy of the name. In this issue, you get the original - and, yes, he is very much my world's answer to Batman, owing a lot to the Silver Age version of the character.

    The last of the trio to be presented is Man-Wolf, the savage alien loner who found friendship and family as part of this team on Earth. He also has the distinction of the first fictional character I ever killed off (that happened back in those study hall stories no less).

    Of course, the WOM Encyclopedia which I introduced last issue has also been updated with these new entries. And I went ahead and added entries for all my favorite heroes, villains and organizations for the various Hero Games publications from the 80's, and a whole slew of my own characters as well. Consider them place-holders for future character sheet links (when I get to them).
