The World of Maenza: Online is the Internet extension of the World of Maenza zine that appeared in The Clobberin' Times APA (Amateur Press Association) from September 1988 to January 2000.

All characters, stories and art on this site are copyright (C) by Martin C. Maenza - except where otherwise noted.


World of Maenza: Online Issue #8

We continue with the 2nd year of my online zine dealing with the Champions RPG and my game creations. Here's the table of contents for this issue:

  • Continuing my rewriting classic tales from 1983, here is the latest fiction from the World of Maenza: an extra-sized Justice Gang adventure entitled "Earth Under Siege"!

    Originally, I wrote this tale as part of my batch of Protectors stories back in high school, but really the story should have fallen under the Justice Gang umbrella. So, on the rewrite I compromised a little, moved it under there but kept the Protectors in a guest-star role. I also tied in a few other events from my gameworld timeline which didn't exist at the time of the original writing.

  • To supplement the fiction in this issue, I'm presenting three members of the Justice Gang: Phantom Lady, Time Lord and Dr. Speed. This team has its roots back in my original Justice Gang tales which I wrote back in study hall in junior high school. These three characters were founding members of the team and thus have a rich back history in my game world. If I get some good response back, I'll adapt more past adventures of this team too when I continue to show more stats of the team and their foes.

    Also, to add some more backdrop to the fiction piece, I'm presenting two more alien races: the Ptilian and the Taurusians.
