The World of Maenza: Online is the Internet extension of the World of Maenza zine that appeared in The Clobberin' Times APA (Amateur Press Association) from September 1988 to January 2000.

All characters, stories and art on this site are copyright (C) by Martin C. Maenza - except where otherwise noted.


World of Maenza: Online Issue #13

Welcome back for another issue of my online zine dealing with the Champions RPG and my game creations. As the Clobberin' Times Online moves into its third year, I'll be exploring some other aspects of my gaming world.

  • Returning to Lodestone and the Omniverse for the second issue in a row, I have another all-new Lodestone fiction piece called "The Lunch Date"! Hopefully this will be a good habit I can keep up - at least through 2007. Stay tuned!

  • In the main WOM fiction section, I have two tales for you. The first is a late holiday piece called "The Protectors' First Noel" - I wrote it up while in the holiday mood during the last week of December. The second story is a tale featuring two members of the Justice Gang: Space Lord and Robotman star in "Cross-Roads"! This tale is set in 1987 in my timeline and builds off of previous stories in the fiction section, so check there if you've missed anything. The story was original published in The Clobberin' Times paper APA in the early 90's, but I've since gone back and added twice again the material to it.

  • To supplement the second WOM story, I'm presenting the two stars of the tale: Space Lord and Robotman. You definitely want to read the story first before checking out the character sheets. Consider yourself forewarned.

  • Also, this issue, I begin a periodic feature I am calling "Enemies Revisited" where I'll provide write-ups of published Champions villains updated to fit into my gaming world. First one up is someone mentioned in this issue's fiction piece: Grond! Let me know what you think of the feature.
