The World of Maenza: Online is the Internet extension of the World of Maenza zine that appeared in The Clobberin' Times APA (Amateur Press Association) from September 1988 to January 2000.

All characters, stories and art on this site are copyright (C) by Martin C. Maenza - except where otherwise noted.


World of Maenza: Online Issue #17

Welcome back for another issue of my online zine dealing with the Champions RPG and my game creations. The focus this time is fully on Lodestone and the Omniverse, so let's get right to it!

  • For the sixth issue in a row (a full year!), I continue all-new Lodestone stories on the fiction page. The first is called "Halloween H2O"! Guess when it takes place? The second is called "Young Guns"! I hope you enjoy them both.

  • Also, I put the scanner to work once more to create the second gallery page. Once more, it is all shots featuring Lodestone done by various artists. I found a folder that had drawings sent to me in the later part of the 90's by Clobberin' Times members: additional ones from Bill Jackson and Sable (row 1), three shots from Ben Bellot (row 2) featuring his revisionary take on her costume, and a quartet of quick sketches from KC Ryan (row 3).
