Villain Files: the Anti-Man
(under 4th Edition rules)

Background: By 1980, Major Tom Shilling had a reputation as being one of the best and brightest pilots in the United States Air Force. That got him noticed by General Peterson and the head of NASA, who tapped him for a special space mission. After months of training and preparation, he headed out to space. But something unexpected happened.

When he returned to Earth a decade later, it was not as he had left. He was changed and full of a need for vengeance. His arrival in Baltimore brought him direct confronation with the heroes of Rough Justice. They managed to defeat him and turned him over to M.E.T.E. for further study.

Motivation: Tom Shilling is no longer the man he once was. He is in fact something more. He calls himself the Anti-Man, and he is simply motivated by destruction and revenge. Special equipment is required to keep him heavily sedated and under control.

20 Dexterityx31030
30 Constitutionx21040
15 Bodyx21010
10 Intelligencex1100
10 Egox2100
14 Presencex1104
10 Comelinessx1/2100
20*Physical Defensex1612
15*Energy Defensex167
5 Speedx103.020
15 Recoveryx2126
60 Endurancex1/2600
45 Stunx1450
Public IDTom Shilling, astronaut10
DFodd skin tone, concealable, extreme20
DFominous voice, not concealable, extreme25
WatchedM.E.T.E., as powerful, non-combat influence, mild, appear 14-20
HuntedUS government, more powerful, harsh, non-combat influence, appear 11-25
Phys Limcannot live normal life, always, greatly20
Psych Limhatred of NASA/US government, very common, total25
Psych Limenjoys using destructive force, common, strong20
Misc.Villain Bonus20
Disadvantages Total:185
Experience Spent:+0
Total Points:=335
Rolls:STR: 17 DEX: 13 PER: 11
INT: 11 EGO: 11
CVs:OCV: 7 DCV: 7 ECV: 3
Phases: 3 5 8 10 12
132 Levels Density Increase (*stats updated), always on, persistent, 0 END0
63" Knockback resistance
274D6 EB, stun only, no range, always on, area effect, nonselective target, NND - def. life support safe env. radiation0
5010D6 Energy Blast5
1525% Damage Reduction (PD), resistant
1525% Damage Reduction (ED), resistant
55/5 Damage Resistance
19Life Support, doesn't breathe, safe in vacuum/pressure, safe in radiation, immune to aging
2010" Flight2
5PS: Astronaut 13- (INT based)
3AK: outer space 11- (INT based)
5KS: NASA operations 13- (INT based)
183: Powers Total
149 + Characteristic Total
332 = Total Cost