Rough Justice

“Sword Quest” by Martin Maenza

The gray costumed man did not look up from the computer monitor as he typed away on an attached keyboard. “Don’t worry,” Jolly Roger said. “Kirchoff may have gotten a head start, but we know where he is headed. I should have plenty of information on this Kelei Natai in no time at all.”

A man in a black cape and cowl stood behind the desk, his arms crossed. “You do that.” Karishi was being more curt than usual. “We need to be ready to go in a few hours.”

“I can make some travel arrangements if you want me to,” Jolly Roger offered.

Karishi reached into one of his belt compartments. “That will not be necessary.” He pulled forth the small communicator device that he had gotten from the Justice Gang. “I will do that.” He turned sharply and walked across the room to the door, his cape trailing behind him.

The man with black hair and gray goggles watched his teammate go. Then Stargazer picked up the nearby phone, the second line that the team used for audio communications, and dialed a local number. After two rings, a female voice answered on the other end.

The hero in yellow, black and gray turned his back to the desk area to have a little privacy. “Hey, honey, it’s me,” he said in a lowered voice. “Yeah, I know it’s late but things have been busy here at the lab.”

There was a pause.

“Yeah, you know how astronomy is – night is the best time to see the stars.” He chuckled a bit. “Anyway, listen. I just got invited to a national astronomy conference but I’ll need to leave tonight to make it for the opening speaker in the morning.”

There was another pause.

“Yeah, I know it is short notice. I’m sorry about that. But after all the stuff I went through in Canada, this would be a great opportunity for me. It would be a good chance to make important contacts in the field.”

There was another pause.

“Thanks, honey. You’re the best. I’ll call you when I get to the conference. Love you.”

Stargazer hung up the phone and turned around. Jolly Roger was looking his way. “What?”

“Nothing,” Jolly Roger said. “Just wanted to say it’s a lot easier when you don’t have to keep your secret life from your wife. Trust me – been there, done that.”

Stargazer nodded. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” He turned and headed for the door of the room.

As he stepped through the archway, Stargazer found himself surrounded by smoke. He turned quickly back towards the meeting room. “Jolly Roger…” But the archway was gone. There were no walls around him at all.

“Mark…” a female voice called from the smoke before him.

Stargazer turned, recognizing the voice.

His mother-in-law, Catherine Chambers, emerged from the smoke. “Mark…beware…” she said. Her eyes were vacant.

“Beware?” Stargazer asked. “Beware of what?”

The woman in her fifties said nothing more. Instead, her body fell forward like a board. In the center of her back the hero could see the hilt of a large knife.

“Mom!” Stargazer shouted as he lunged forward. He tried to touch her body but it suddenly was no longer there. The smoke too was instantly gone, and he found himself kneeling on the hallway floor. He glanced back into the meeting area; Jolly Roger was facing the computer and typing, seemingly unaware of anything that has just occurred. Stargazer stayed there for a moment, confused. What is going on?


“Thank you, Phantom Lady,” Karishi said before clicking off the communicator. As he put the device back into the compartment in his belt, he looked up at the evening sky. It was another warm summer night in Baltimore; the near full moon shown down on the courtyard of their headquarters. The city provided them an adequate structure surrounded by a high wrought iron fence to use for their base of operations. Soon, Kirchoff, we will be face to face again and then we shall see who ends up with the Sword of …

A large cloud of fog rolled in through the front gate, interrupting his thoughts. Karishi pulled a sword from the scabbard on his belt as the fog stopped over the main sidewalk and reformed into a trio of vampires. The hero stood ready in a stance with his legs slightly bent and with the weapon blade horizontal before him.

The three vampires were rather large men, broad shouldered and fairly well proportioned. Their clothing was dark and rumpled. They hissed, their fangs visible, and lunged for their lone target.

Karishi easily dodged the attack of the closest one, spinning about on his heel and striking the attacker from behind. The vampire went sprawling forward, face first into the concrete.

The second grabbed the hero at one of the elbows, trying to wrestle the sword away. Karishi let him have the elbow, directly into the chest, with a very firm thrust. The attacker staggered back a bit, loosening his grip. Karishi pulled his arm free and punched the vampire squarely in the jaw, forcing him to bite his own tongue and to fall backwards.

The third lunged at the hero, not allowing him any time to rest. He grabbed Karishi about the shoulders, pinning the hero’s arms to his side.

Karishi tried to break free, but the hold was solid. Instead, he thrust his booted foot down hard upon the attacker’s right foot. The vampire yelped and loosened his hold. Karishi broke free.

The vampire recovered and thrust his fist into Karishi’s back. The hero staggered forward and slumped. The vampire smiled and moved forward to attack again.

Karishi whirled the sword blade around and planted the point firmly in the vampire’s chest. The attacker let out a roar but kept on his feet. Karishi released the sword’s hilt and delivered two successive punches to his enemy’s face. The vampire fell backwards.

One of the earlier two had gotten back on his feet and charged Karishi. The hero grabbed the coming arm and threw himself under the creature’s torso. He then stood and flipped the vampire forward, slamming him hard into the ground.

Having a moment to catch his breath, Karishi opened his mind and projected a mental attack into the heads of the trio. Sleep!

The three jerked slightly and then lay silent on the ground.

Karishi stepped over to the one where his sword was buried. He grabbed the hilt and pulled it out of the chest cavity. He then swung the blade firmly at a branch of a nearby tree, cutting away a smaller limb. He put the sword back in its scabbard. Grabbing the cut branch off of the ground, he broke it into three pieces and shoved a make-shift stake into the chest of each of the three who attacked him.

This was no coincidence, Karishi thought to himself as he rushed back into the building.


Stargazer flew down the hall at two more invaders who seeped in via air vents and reformed. “Who invited these guys in?” he said as he teleported at the last second. In his wake, he left a blinding flash of light that temporarily stunned the two vampires and caused them to shriek in anguish. The hero materialized behind them and slammed their two heads together. Both fell to the floor. “I thought vampires aren’t allowed into places where they haven’t been invited.”

Jolly Roger broke free from the grasp of a third vampire who was trying to overpower him. “This is a public building,” he said as he reached into one of his belt’s compartments and pulled out a small device. “Blame the city for saying we welcome all who need our help.” He pressed a button on the plum-sized gadget and spun about. “Open up, ugly!”

The vampire lunged for him, mouth open and fangs glaring.

Jolly Roger shoved the device into the attacker’s mouth and then pushed the man back into the wall. The explosive triggered with a low-whine and detonated, blowing the head off of his attacker. The headless torso fell to the floor, lifeless.

Stargazer finished knocking out the pair he had blinded. “Oh, man,” he said as he observed the splattering of flesh and bone fragments all over the one wall. “Julie is so not going to want to clean that up.”

Karishi appeared in the doorway with a few pieces of a wooden chair he had broken on the way in. “Here,” he said tossing two broken legs to his teammates. “Stake those two and then come help me get the three from outside.”

“Where did these guys come?” Stargazer asked.

“We’ll find out soon enough,” Karishi said.

Jolly Roger smiled underneath his full face mask. “Time for more interrogation.”

Twenty minutes later, Stargazer finished hauling the last of the staked vampires up to the rooftop of the office building. “Are you sure they won’t get away?” he asked his colleagues upon returning to the courtyard.

Karishi shook his head. “No one will realize they are up there. And once the sun comes up in the morning, it will not matter anyway.”

Stargazer turned to Jolly Roger. “Does he mean…?”

Jolly Roger nodded. “Instant dusting. No point in calling the Crypt. They’re beyond saving at this point and too dangerous to keep incarcerated.” He turned to Karishi. “So, what did your mental probes reveal?”

“They were sent by someone called ‘Master Gratz’ to avenge the murders of their brethren,” Karishi explained. “They must have been referring to the four vampires we apprehended at the charity event earlier this week.”

“Who is this Gratz?” Stargazer asked.

“I do not know the name,” Karishi said, “but I have a strong feeling there is some connection here to Johann Kirchoff. We find him and we may find this Gratz, whoever he is.” He turned to Jolly Roger. “Have you finished your research on Kelei Natai?”

“I was almost done when those other vampires showed up,” Jolly Roger said. “Give me another thirty and I’ll have all the information we need.”

“Good,” Karishi said. He put his left hand over his right and cracked his knuckles.

“Then we should be in Hawaii before Kirchoff’s jet lands,” Jolly Roger said.

“That was my plan all along,” Karishi said. “He will not be expecting us to be there. We will catch him off-guard and force his hand.”


By 4pm local time, the heroes stood outside the front gate of Natai’s mansion home in Kauai, Hawaii. A dark haired woman dressed in a tan business suit with two larger, well dressed, security types standing behind her addressed them. “I am sorry, but Mr. Natai is at his office for a late afternoon business meeting,” she said.

Karishi turned to Jolly Roger. The later said, “That would be his main corporate office in Honolulu.”

The woman raised an eyebrow. “Yes, that is true.”

“We need to speak with him as soon as possible,” Karishi said to her.

“During business hours he is not to be disturbed unless it is an emergency,” the woman explained. “You may be able to speak to him there if he agrees to do so.”

“I can get us there fastest,” Stargazer said.

“Agreed,” Karishi said. He turned to Jolly Roger. “Perhaps it is best if one of us stays behind, just in case.”

“Agreed,” Jolly Roger said. He turned to the woman. “That is if that is acceptable to you, madam.”

She nodded. “Hito and Zhon here will make arrangements for that.”

Jolly Roger nodded and turned to his colleagues. “All set. Go.”

Stargazer said, “We’re gone.” He grabbed Karishi and flew off in the direction toward the main Hawaiian island.

After a twenty minute flight and nearly another thirty minutes of waiting in an outer office, a young administrative assistant dressed in a blue business suit addressed the heroes. “Mr. Natai will see you now,” she said in a professional tone.

Karishi nodded, rose from his seat and approached the inner office door. Stargazer quickly followed, pausing for a second to thank the young woman.

Kelei Natai sat behind his large desk as the two costumed men entered his well-decorated office. The great windows on one side provided a spectacular view of the island and the Pacific Ocean beyond it. “Gentlemen, this is an unexpected surprise,” the native Hawaiian in his mid-fifties said. He was dressed impeccably in a hand-tailored suit. A silk tie, gold cufflinks and large gold band on his left hand accessorized the outfit tastefully. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

“We need to speak to you about the Sword of Seimei,” Karishi said without taking seat. “It is my understanding that you possess this ancient relic and are scheduled to meet with a man about it. That meeting cannot take place.”

Natai leaned back slightly in his chair. He crossed his hands in front of him. “Assuming your information is correct, for what reason would I want to postpone such a meeting? Surely my personal business transactions should be of little concern to some costumed vigilantes from the mainland.”

Karishi approached the desk and stood before it. “We are more concerned with the individual who wishes to acquire the sword from you. How well do you know Johann Kirchoff?”

“Again, why should that be of any concern of yours?”

“He is not someone to be trusted.”

“I make my own decisions regarding whom I can trust.” Natai sat up straight. “It would appear to me that you too have some vested interest in the sword as well.”

Karishi frowned, but his full face mask kept that fact a secret. “My interests in the sword are pure. Kirchoff’s interests are questionable.”

“Why would you think that?” Natai asked.

“You might not believe me if I told you,” Karishi said.

The two men stared silent for a moment. The silence was too much for Stargazer. “Oh, for crying out loud,” he burst. “Look, Mr. Natai, we have reason to believe that this Kirchoff guy is involved with vampires.”

“Vampires, you say? That is interesting, given the mythology behind the sword. But why does that concern you?” Natai looked at Karishi directly when he asked that last question.

Karishi said nothing.

Stargazer, however, did not. “Karishi has plenty of experience dealing with vampires. He knows them very well.”

Karishi spun about and glared at Stargazer.

Natai smiled. “Then that explains why you are interested in the sword and why you do not want me speaking to Mr. Kirchoff.” He leaned back in his chair. “None the less, I feel I am in no danger speaking to this man. We are scheduled to discuss the sale of the sword, and, if he is willing to meet my price, that is all that matters.” He glanced from one hero to the other.

Karishi looked back at Natai and then again to Stargazer. He then stormed out of the office with his teammate following behind. Once alone in the elevator going down to the lobby, Karishi spoke again as he put a raised finger to Stargazer’s face. “Do not ever mention to anyone again about my past and experience with vampires! Understood?”

Stargazer frowned and said “Got it.”

“Good,” Karishi said. He put his hand down. “At least we know that Natai is more interested in money and not power. I just wonder when he and Kirchoff are to meet.”

The bell dinged as the elevator reached the bottom floor and the doors opened. “Tell you what,” Stargazer said. “Why don’t you stick around here and keep an eye on Natai? I’ll fly back and fill in Jolly Roger.”

Karishi nodded. “Agreed. I do not want to let Natai out of my sight.”

Stargazer flew across the islands, heading back towards Kauai. The ocean breeze blew across his face, relaxing him a bit. I hoped that Karishi would agree to our splitting up, he thought to himself. He seems more and more obsessed the closer we get to this sword. The guy is bordering on psycho sometimes. This whole thing with these vampires and his ease at killing them seriously bothers me. But I have my own things to worry about first, like those weird flashes that keep hitting me.

The sound of a large boom interrupted Stargazer’s thoughts. He jerked his head to the left and focused his eyes. The star-goggles he wore helped him to see a little further into the distance. Smoke was rising in the air at an alarming rate. “A volcano! Erupting!” he said aloud. Without hesitation, he changed his course of flight. “I need to go see if I can be of help.”

As Stargazer got closer, he saw the crowds running away to safety. One young woman, dressed in a grass skirt and an ornate bikini top stood fast. He landed next to her. “Miss, we have to get you to safety,” he said as he reached for her.

The beauty with long dark hair pulled her arm aside and looked at the newcomer. “You must not be from around here,” she said as she noted his costume. “Otherwise you’d know who I am.”

Stargazer removed his hand. “Sorry, you’re right about that.”

Suddenly, a male voice called from behind them. “Hula Girl, who’s the hauli?”

Stargazer turned to see a Hawaiian male dressed in aqua blue spandex with white trim hovering a few feet above the ground. Based on the tone of the two, he took them both as local heroes. Like the young woman, this young man too wore no mask to hide his face.

“Hurricane, I think he’s a mainland hero,” the young woman said. “Is that right?”

The hero in yellow, black and gray nodded. “Yes, I’m Stargazer,” he said. “I’m here with some colleagues on another case, but I saw the volcano erupting and came to investigate.”

“Are we here ta talk or are we here ta get the job done?” another voice, this one deeper, asked.

Stargazer turned to see large figure with a brown and red exterior that could have been armor. The full facemask with yellow eyes made him resemble some kind of tiki idol. “Who is that?” he asked aloud without thinking.

“The moke is called Ironwood,” Hurricane explained.

The big guy nodded at Stargazer. “Pleased to meet ya.”

“Together, we’re members of the Hawaiian Highguard,” Hula Girl said. “If you can help us with the evacuation of the people that will allow us to stop the volcano.”

Stargazer smiled. “I’d be happy to whatever is needed.”


Stargazer returned to Natai’s mansion ten minutes before Natai’s helicopter arrived. This allowed him time to fill Jolly Roger in about the earlier talk with Natai and about his encounter with some of the local heroes. Stargazer purposely left out his concerns regarding Karishi’s agitated state and the threatening their teammate did to him. He was worried that Jolly Roger might side with Karishi on things, and that was not something he wanted to deal with at the moment. Why couldn’t they be friendlier like those Highguard folks?

The two security men flanked the helicopter before Natai made his exit. The wealthy banker noticed the heroes waiting and approached them. “I see you beat me back here, Mr. Stargazer,” he said to the goggled hero. He turned to the gray costumed hero and eyed the weapons that were worn visibly. “Who is this?”

The two heroes saw a slight cloud of mist exit the open helicopter door but did not react.

“The name’s Jolly Roger,” said the costumed man with the skull and crossbones on his chest. He held out his gloved hand to shake it.

Natai looked down at the offered hand with a slight bit of concern but then shook it any way. “And where is your other colleague?”

“Right here,” Karishi said as he stepped from behind the helicopter. Stargazer and Jolly Roger knew their teammate had just reformed from the mist. They realized he must have stowed away on the helicopter from Honolulu.

“As I told you two earlier, I have no concerns regarding my meeting with Mr. Kirchoff,” Natai explained. “Your services are not required. My security detail is more than capable of doing their job.” He nodded to the two large men.

Karishi opened a connection to Jolly Roger’s mind to send him a telepathic message. I need you to distract Natai and his men so I can search the house.

Underneath his full face mask, Jolly Roger smiled. “I am sure they are very capable, Mr. Natai,” the hero said. “However, I have a proposal for you.”

Natai raised an eyebrow. “A proposal? What kind of proposal?”

“If I can prove my capabilities to you, would you consider allowing me to serve as a bodyguard to you while you meet with Kirchoff?”

“A bodyguard? You expect me to hire you?”

“No, sir. I’d offer my services free of charge – that is if you consider me capable of doing the job.”

Natai smiled. “That is a most interesting proposition,” he said. “And you will allow me to set the parameters of this challenge?”

Jolly Roger noticed that Karishi had already slipped away. “Absolutely.”

Natai thought for a moment and then conferred with his two large employees in hushed tones.

Stargazer leaned over to Jolly Roger and whispered, “What’s going on?”

“I’ll fill you in later,” he replied in a whisper. “Just go along with it.”

Natai finished talking with the two security guards and approached the heroes again. “Here is my proposal. My two best security men – Mr. Hito and Mr. Zhon here – will test your skills. If you can manage to survive the fight, without using any of your weapons, within five minutes time, I will accept your offer as extra security during Mr. Kirchoff’s visit tomorrow evening.”

“I accept your proposal, sir.” Jolly Roger unclipped the belt about his waist and handed it to Stargazer. He removed his Tozuku rifle and did the same. “Where shall we do this? I would suggest an open area like that.” He gestured to an expanse of the lawn far away from the main house.

Natai nodded. “Very good.” The group began to walk to the area.

Stargazer took a moment to speak with Natai directly. “Mr. Natai, perhaps we could have a friendly wager on the outcome,” he said.

“What kind of wager?” Natai asked.

“If Jolly Roger wins, would you allow me to see this sword that everyone is talking about?”

“And if my men win? What would you offer to me then?”

Stargazer looked at his teammate. The two security guards easily out-weighed him and were both clearly very physically fit. Jolly Roger did not have his famed weapons, but Stargazer knew there was more to the hero than just that. “I will be in debt to you for a favor of your choosing, collectible at any time.”

Natai smiled. “Agreed.” He held out his hand to shake on the agreement.

Stargazer smiled too as they shook.

As the challenge progressed, Natai’s smile gradually faded.

Jolly Roger used a combination of acrobatics and martial arts to keep from being struck by Hito and Zhon. Once a good amount of time passed, the hero decided to finish the challenge. A well-place palm strike dislocated Hito’s already large nose. With a successful side-kick to the groin, Jolly Roger took the fight out of Zhon. The two men were down on the ground, whimpering in pain.

He approached Natai and Stargazer, observing the wide grin on his teammate’s face. “I thank you, sir,” Jolly Roger said to Natai, “for allowing your men to give me a good workout. They rank up with some of the best security detail I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve travelled quite a bit across the globe.” He took the weapons from Stargazer and put them back in place on his person. “I hope the demonstration was satisfactory for you to assess my skills.”

Natai swallowed hard and said softly, “It was.” He rose and went towards his men.

“Sir,” Stargazer said. “About our wager…”

Natai said, “Yes, come with me to my bunker vault and I will show you the sword.” He turned to his two men. “Hito, Zhon, please work with Mr. Jolly Roger in preparation for tomorrow’s meeting.”

The two fallen men just groaned.


The next morning, the three heroes wait at the airport, disguised blue-jumpsuit uniforms and caps. Mark Berlin pulled on the material which fit tightly over his muscular frame. “Where did you say you got these again?”

McCoy Pauley kept his eyes focused on a panel truck across the tarmac that pulled underneath a private plane. “I found them in an inventory room,” he said.

“The badges too?” Mark asked.

McCoy smiled. “Sure, we’ll go with that too.”

Yoshikaz Kunimatsu hushed them both. “That is Kirchoff’s plane,” he said. “We need to check the crate he brought with him.”

“We’re on it,” McCoy said as he pulled at Mark’s arm. “Let’s go act like we work here, kid.” The two walked across the way, confidently, as if part of the airport work crew.

Yoshikaz kept to the shadows, watching the stairs that had been rolled up to the front of the plane. After a few minutes, the door finally opened. The blonde Romanian man, dressed in a light colored suit with a wine-colored dress shirt, stepped from the cabin and into the morning light. Sunlight does not bother him. What kind of vampire is he?

With Kirchoff in line of sight, Yoshikaz concentrated all his mental facilities. He focused his mind and attempted to probe the man’s mind for a single name – Gratz.

Kirchoff paused for a moment before he reached the bottom of the steps, glanced about and then closed his eyes.

Aaaaaaaah! Yoshikaz fell back against the wall behind the crates. He threw his hands to his temples as a powerful mental blast tore through his mind with great anguish. After a moment, the pain slowly subsided. When he was able to stand again and open his eyes, Yoshikaz looked about. Kirchoff was no where in sight. Ugh…damn.

A few minutes later, McCoy and Mark rejoined him. The later looked at the Asian young man with some concern. “Are you okay?” Mark asked.

“I will be fine,” Yoshikaz said wearily. “I am afraid he was ready for me. I tried to probe his mind and received a serious mental backlash.”

“You think he knows we’re here?” Mark asked.

“I hope not,” Yoshikaz said. “What did you find?”

“Nothing,” McCoy said.


“I was able to get a quick look inside the crate. The coffin was there but the blonde woman’s body was not. Somewhere along the way he must have unloaded his supposed step-sister.”

Yoshikaz frowned. “That is not good.”

“So where does that leave us?” Mark asked.

“We head back to Natai’s place,” McCoy said. “We’ll be there when Kirchoff shows up for the meeting. If he slips up, we’ll catch him.”


The heroes returned to Natai’s mansion, but the security team only allowed Jolly Roger to enter the front door. The gray garbed hero glanced at Karishi who had linked their minds for a moment. Will you be alright alone? the macabre hero asked with his mind.

Jolly Roger made a simple “thumbs up” motion to his friends before following Hito and Zhon into the house.

“So, we wait?” Stargazer asked.

“Yes, but out of sight,” Karishi said. “We do not want to alert Kirchoff of our presence here.”

Stargazer thought for a moment. “Say, K,” he said. “How’d you like to see the Sword for yourself?”

“What do you mean?”

“Natai showed me the sword yesterday while you were searching the house,” Stargazer said.

“He did? Where is it?”

“He had it down in a bunker vault adjacent to the house,” Stargazer explained. “It is locked down pretty good, but I don’t think we’d have a problem slipping in desolid.”

“Show me,” Karishi said.

The two heroes made their trek underground and through the thick walls of the structure. Once inside the main room, they took solid for once more. The room was full of a number of metal strong boxes. “Which one is it?” Karishi asked with some urgency.

Stargazer thought for a second and then pulled open one of the doors midway down the left wall. A drawer slid out.

“Are you certain that is the right one?” Karishi asked.

“Yes,” Stargazer said with a frown. The drawer was empty. “Natai must have taken it inside for the meeting with Kirchoff.” He closed the drawer again. “I’m sorry.”

Karishi slammed his fist down on the table in the center off the room. “We should be inside for that meeting,” he said.

“We weren’t invited,” Stargazer pointed out. “Only Jolly Roger was.”

“I need to know what happens during that meeting. I need to stop Kirchoff from getting the Sword, even if I have to take it myself.”

“Hey,” Stargazer said. “Whoa. I shouldn’t have to remind you that we heroes don’t steal. That would make us no better than the criminals we track down.”

“I never said that I was a hero,” Karishi said. “I do this only to right the wrongs against my family.”

“What about everybody else? We’re supposed to help those who need it. That’s why we have the abilities we have.”

“I am here in this country to find the Sword. With it, I can eradicate the evil of the vampires we have fought. That is my primary goal.”

Stargazer considered. “And why do you think Kirchoff wants it?”

“I have no idea,” Karishi said solemnly. “Let us get back to the house.”


In the main study, Jolly Roger along with the two main security guards stood to one side as two men transacted their business.

Johann Kirchoff ran has fingers across the hilt of the sword; its pattern was that of an ornate face of a demon with two rather large gemstones in place of eyes. The rest of the blade glistened against the backdrop of the red velvet-lined case it lay in. “It is beautiful,” the Romanian said. “Everything I had heard it would be.”

“I am glad you approve,” Kelei Natai said. “And the condition is as expected?”

“Absolutely,” Kirchoff said. “You have maintained it very well.”

“Good,” the Hawaiian said. “In that case, shall we discuss the price?”

Kirchoff stood tall. “I thought we had agreed upon $150,000. That is the figure we discussed over the phone last week.”

“Yes,” Natai said, “that is the number we had discussed then. However, since then it has come to my attention that other parties might be interested in the sword as well.”

“Other parties?” Kirchoff frowned slightly.

Natai smiled. “I am thinking it is worth a bit more - perhaps a quarter of a million.”

Kirchoff’s frown deepened. “We agreed to $150,000. I demand that you honor your oral agreement.”

Jolly Roger tensed, waiting for Kirchoff to make some kind of physical move against Natai or for the sword.

Natai stepped back for a second and steadied himself by grabbing the edge of the table. He shook his head and then stood straight once more. “Mr. Kirchoff, forgive me,” he then said. “I did not mean to offend you.”

Jolly Roger stepped towards Natai. “Sir, are you okay?”

“I am fine,” the banker said. “I just realized that Mr. Kirchoff was correct. My going against my original word would be bad for my reputation in the financial communities. I had original said $150,000 and that is what I should accept from Mr. Kirchoff.”

Jolly Roger grabbed Natai about the shoulders and shook him once. “Are you sure?” He glanced at Kirchoff was stood by with a satisfied look on his face. “This is your decision?”

“Yes,” Natai said, now a bit angered. “You have overstepped your bounds, Jolly Roger. You will leave my home now. Your services are no longer required.”

Jolly Roger released the banker and took one last look at Kirchoff before departing. I know you did something, Kirchoff, he thought to himself. I just can’t prove it. The hero turned and headed for the front door.

Jolly Roger stood along side his colleagues on the front walk as Kirchoff exited Natai’s home. The Hawaiian noticed them. “You are still here? I thought I told you that I do not need your ‘protection’.”

Karishi stepped forward. “Kirchoff, I would like a word with you.”

The Romanian held the handle of a large leather case in one hand. “I thought you might,” he said. “With your friend here, I expected that you were not too far behind.”

Karishi kept one eye on Kirchoff and the other on the case. “Is that the Sword of Seimei in the case?”

Kirchoff nodded. “It is the reason I came,” he said. “Would you like to see it?” He set the case down on the sidewalk, laying it across its flat side, kneeled beside it and opened the latches.

Karishi bent down too and took in full view the item he had been seeking for years.

“Exquisite, isn’t it?” Kirchoff said. “It is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship indeed.” He glanced at the hero whose eyes were now fixed solely on the sword. “Would you like to hold it for a moment?”

Karishi snapped out of his entrancement. “Did you…?”

Kirchoff smiled. “Yes, you can hold it for a moment if you would like.”

Karishi reached his gloved hand down and grasped the hilt of the weapon as if he were holding a new born child. He lifted the weapon from the case, feeling the weight of the blade and the balance. Under his mask, though, he frowned slightly. It feels so…ordinary. I expected feeling of power or perhaps a presence. Could it be a fake? He laid the sword back down in the case. “Thank you.”

Kirchoff closed the case and snapped the latches again. Then he stood, lifting the case by the handle again. He leaned closer to the hero and dropped his voice so that the others could not hear him so clearly. “You sounded disappointed, Karishi,” Kirchoff said. “I think perhaps we need talk again in the future. I should be back in Baltimore next week. I could arrange something with you then.”

Karishi nodded. “I do think we need to talk.”

Kirchoff smiled. “Until next week then.” And with that the Romanian walked down the front path to his waiting car.

The heroes started to go as well. When they were far enough away from Natai’s home, Stargazer said, “So, is that it?”

“For now,” Karishi said solemnly.

Jolly Roger put his hand on Karishi’s shoulder. “We’ll keep an eye on him just to be sure he’s not playing us all.”

Karishi nodded. “That is for certain.”