The Protectors

“In A New Light” by Martin Maenza

At the Haygner Manor in Greenwich Village, two young women followed the owner and sole inhabitant of the building through a pair of large, ornately carved oak doors. The blonde woman wore an orange and red costume over her muscular frame. The other with long brown hair wore a white costume with colorful, matching trim about her white gloves and boots.

The later one, Rainbow, whispered, “I’ve never been to this room before. What is it?” The walls had bookcases that ran from the floor to the ceiling, many filled with large hardcover volumes clearly ancient in age. The wooden furniture was like the doors, dark and carved and heavy. There was a large matching cupboard at one end of the room, stocked with glass vials of every shape, size and color.

“This is Mysty’s study,” the Amazon remarked casually. She too had been in awe the first time she had been shown the room. But that was a few years back. And during that time she and the Mystifier had become strong allies, so his sanctuary and his practices were more old hat to her now.

The blue robed sorcerer moved to a set of large velvet curtains on one side of the room, grabbed one of ends of the large tassels and untied them. Then, he pulled the curtains aside to let light fill the room.

Okay… Amazon thought. Now that’s kind of new. He usually prefers dim lighting or candles.

“Rainbow, I am so glad that you came when I called,” he said.

“Sure, no problem,” she replied. “Though I was trying to figure out what I might be able to do for you.” Rainbow was still feeling unsure of herself, especially after the group’s encounter with the Octagon previously.

Mystifier smiled. “No, no, I called you because of something that I think I can do for you.” He moved back towards her, his hands outstretched. “Now, hand me your gloves, please.”

“My gloves?” Rainbow asked.

He nodded silently.

She looked at Amazon who just kind of shrugged. Clearly she wasn’t the only one at a loss here. Rainbow sighed and started to unroll the elbow length gloves, first one and then the other, to remove them. When she finished, she shook them out to their full extension and handed them to her teammate. “Here you go, Mystifier.”

“Good,” he said as he took them and placed them down on one of the tables. He then went across to a closed cabinet, made a gesture with his hands to remove a mystical seal he had placed on the furnishing, and then opened the door. Reaching inside, he removed a large, crystal stone about the size of one’s outstretched hand. He placed the crystal on the table as well.

“Mysty, what’s that?” Amazon asked.

“This, ladies, is the gemstone belonging to the Sinister Spectrum,” Mystifier said. “The Justice Gang recently battled the villain and, upon defeating him, took the gemstone into their possession. I contacted them the other day and asked if I would be able to borrow it.”

“Borrow it? For what?” Rainbow asked.

“For you,” Mystifier replied.

“For me? I don’t understand.”

“This gemstone is very powerful,” he explained. “It actually has some mystical resonance to it. I found examining it extremely fascinating. In his possession, the stone allowed the Spectrum to generate powerful energy blasts. My studies have revealed that even a fraction of the stone could generate similar results.”

“So?” the two women said in near unison.

“So, my plan today is to take just a small part of the stone to help Rainbow,” he said.

“Help me?” Rainbow asked. “You mean, like give me a power boost?” Both of the other heroes could see the excitement rush over her.

“Exactly,” Mystifier said. “Now, if you two could step back a bit…” And once they had done so, the sorcerer began a series of incantations and gestures over the gemstone. Energy crackled about his hands and then shot into the gemstone. There was a thunderous clap.

When the mystical storm cleared, two thin slivers gently fell from the sides of the gemstone. Mystifier took them up in his hand. “There,” he said. “That was the hard part.”

Amazon looked perplexed. “What are you going to do with those?” she asked. “They look awful small.”

“Small but effective,” he stated as he stepped over to the end of the table where had laid out the gloves before. He carefully placed a single sliver into the palm portions of each of the gloves. “Stand back while I complete the process.”

Another set of incantations and gestures, and the mystical energy from his hands bathed over the slivers and gloves.

Rainbow’s eyes grew wide, like a child at Christmas. As soon as the mystical energy subsided, she rushed over to Mystifier’s side. “That’s it?”

“That’s it,” he said confidently. He picked up the gloves and handed them back to her. “You will now be able to perform even more amazing feats, to add to your illusion powers.”

Excitedly, Rainbow quickly put the gloves back on. The slivers had fused into the material of the glove, almost to the point where they couldn’t be noticed. But, when she had them in place, she could feel the energy at her hands. She could feel the power, ready to answer her command. “This is wonderful!”

“You’ll have to give them a test run,” Amazon suggested.

“But not here,” Mystifier added. “There are great many treasures here in my manor. However, I’m sure you could fly somewhere less occup…”

“Fly?” Rainbow asked. “I can fly?”

“Well,” Mystifier said, “the gemstone did allow the Spectrum to fly. So it only stands to reason…”

Rainbow barely had to concentrate, and she started to hover above the floor. “Oh wow!”

Amazon and Mystifier watched as she flitted around the room like a pixie. “Better take it slow, girl,” the blonde cautioned.

“Oh I will, I will!” Rainbow did a quick lap about the room in the air and then landed again. “Mystifier, I don’t know how to thank you!”

“The look on your face is thanks enough,” he said solemnly.

“I’ll find a way to repay you, I promise!” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I have to go. I want to see how fast I can fly.” She rushed to the windows, unlatched one, opened it carefully and climbed up. “I’ll be back!”

And with that, she was off.

Amazon watched her go and then turned back to her friend. “Alan, are you blushing?” she said, using his real name. They had shared their secret identities with one another after an adventure together last year.

“What? No.” He tried to hide it, but the color on his face betrayed him.

“Yes you are, you old dog. You’re blushing.”

“Diana, please…”

Amazon clapped her hand about his shoulders. “Relax, I’m just picking on you,” she said. “I think it’s sweet that you like her. You know, you’ve spent a lot of years cooped up here with your mystical studies and what not. It’s about time you lived a little.”

“I don’t know about all that,” he said.

“Trust me,” Amazon said. “This is a good thing, for both of you.”

Mystifier walked to the window. He felt the warm summer breeze against his face. The fresh air against the stuffiness of the sanctuary did feel good. He smiled. Maybe it is the right to spend more time with the others, he thought.


The young man in his early twenties with blonde hair paused at the front display window of the Lifestyles Unlimited store. Using the reflection of the late afternoon sun off of the glass, he gave himself a quick once over. With his free hand, he adjusted the collar of his white shirt beneath his brown leather jacket. Satisfied, he continued to move towards the door and grabbed the handle. Here we go, he thought to himself as he pulled open the door.

A little bell atop the door announced his arrival, causing a black haired woman in her early twenties to look up from the counter. “May I help you?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah,” the young man said. “I’m looking for Rita Mason.” He noticed the raven haired beauty was just kind of staring at him intently. “Rita? With red hair down to about here.” He gestured with his hands to his shoulders. “She’s supposed to work here.”

“Scott!” a voice called from a doorway to the back storeroom. “Right on time.”

Scott looked in that direction and smiled. There was the young woman he sought, dressed in a long-sleeved peach blouse and a short black skirt with matching black leather boots. “Rita, hi.”

As Rita approached the front, the woman behind the counter said with a wry smile, “So, this is famous Scott, eh? After all you said, I somehow expected much more.”

“Andrea, hush,” Rita said.

From behind Scott’s back, he revealed a small bouquet of flowers. “These are for you,” he said, offering them to the red-haired woman.

“Thanks,” Rita said. She took them, gave them a good sniff. Lilacs. She liked how they smelled. She turned to the counter. “Andrea, could you…?”

“I’ll get a vase,” the other woman replied as she headed towards the backroom. In a moment, she was out of sight and earshot.

“So,” Rita said.

“So,” Scott replied. “This is your shop.”

“Our shop really. Andrea and I opened it together after we graduated college.”

The young man looked around. The boutique carried mostly women’s fashions, both casual and dressy. “It’s a nice place.”

“It pays the rent,” Rita said. “I’m really glad you accepted my invitation to go out.”

He turned back to her and smiled. “I’m really glad you asked. I mean, I was planning to ask you too but then things got busy…you know.”

“The double-lives we lead,” she replied. Just as Rita was saying this, Andrea returned to the room.

Scott saw this and made a little silent gesture in that direction.

Rita turned. “Oh, don’t worry,” she said. “Andrea’s in the loop, so to speak.”

The black haired woman put the vase down on the counter and took the flowers from Rita. She placed the flowers in the vase and arranged them slightly. “So, do I get a formal introduction or not?”

“Sorry,” Rita apologized. “Scott Ballard, this is Andrea Donalson. Andrea’s one of my closest and dearest friends in the world.”

“Hi,” Scott said, offering a hand shake.

The young woman took his hand briefly. “Nice to meet you,” Andrea replied. “So, what do you two kids have planned?”

“Dinner first,” Rita said. “Then we’ll play it by ear after that.”

“There’s this little jazz club down in the Village,” Scott suggested. “I know one of the guys playing there tonight.”

Rita smiled. “Sounds good.” She went behind the counter and grabbed her jacket. “Shall we go?” Scott took her hand and escorted her to the door.

Andrea watched as the two left, chatting and smiling. It’s about time, she thought to herself before getting the place ready to close for the night.


As the sun was setting, Rainbow was still soaring across the city skyline. With each bank and dive, she smiled a bit more. Even after nearly an hour of it, she still was so enthralled with flying.

This is so incredible, she thought. I never knew that flying like this could make me feel so alive! She looked about and, when she saw it was clear, thrust out one of her arms and concentrated. A blast a multi-colored energy shot from her hand as naturally as if she had been doing it for years. Wow! That’s so cool!

She took a turn over Central Park, swooping low enough to brush the tree-line. Then, she banked up and flew off towards the East. With these new abilities, I can easily be a more effective member of the team! This power is so wonderful.

Something glinted in the distance, catching her eye.

What was that?

There was a second, similar glint, approximately in the same place.

Hmmm…maybe I should go see what that is. It’s probably just an airplane or something. Still, best be safe. Rainbow rocketed off in the direction. It was a good enough reason to keep experimenting with her new flying abilities after all.


A few minutes earlier, Scott and Rita were strolled through Central Park on their way to dinner. “This is nice,” she said as she held his hand while they walked.

“Yeah, anyone can do the horse and buggy thing,” he said. “It’s so clichéd.”

“Ah, I knew you were a charmer,” she joked.

“That’s the word about town.” He smiled. “All kidding aside, this is nice. It doesn’t happen for me that often.”

“Oh, the renowned Scott Ballard doesn’t date that often? I find that a bit hard to believe.”

“Oh, I date. A lot.”

“A lot?” Her eyebrow rose curiously.

“Not a lot,” he said defensively. “I mean, I do, but this…this is different.”

“How so, Romeo?”

“I mean, well, it’s different with you, Rita. With girls during high school and after, I had to keep my guard up all the time. Having been given powers as a teenager, it just made dating harder to juggle. You never knew when you’d have to go make some excuse to end the date when ‘duty’ called, you know?”

She nodded. “Yeah, Scott, I know. I’ve been there before once or twice myself.”

He smiled. “But with you, it’s different. I don’t have to pretend or lie. I can just be myself. And whatever happens - happens.”

She stopped and threw her arms about his neck. “I like the sound of that.” Rita started to lean in to kiss him, but she noticed her date turned his head slightly and was staring off into the sky. “Uh, Scott?”

He blinked. “Sorry, Rita,” he apologized. “I just saw something streak overhead. Look!”

Rita followed to where his finger traced across the skyline, and they both saw a familiar figure in white streak overhead and off again in a hurry. “Didn’t that look like…?”

“Rainbow,” Scott completed her sentence. “She’s flying, and she looks like she’s rushing off to a fire or something. You don’t suppose we should…?”

“You think she can handle it, whatever it is, on her own?”

“Well, after that bit with the Octagon…” he started to say.

Rita sighed. “Dinner can wait,” she said. “Since I don’t wear a mask anyway, no need to rush back to the shop for my spare costume. How’s about you?”

“A boy scout’s always prepared,” Scott said as he reached for the left side of his jacket with his right hand.

“You have your costume on under your clothes?” she asked. “For our date?”

Scott just smiled, reached into his jacket pocked and pulled out a green mask. “Nope, just the essential is all.”

“Just in case?”

“Just in case.” Scott donned his Larynx mask and then took Rita by the hand. “I can fly us both well enough. No sense of you expending your powers unless they’re needed.”

She wrapped her arms about his neck and held on tightly. “Let’s do it.” And with that, they flew off after their teammate.


She was nearly to the shore when she heard a voice call her from behind. “Rainbow, wait up!”

The heroine in white turned her head and saw a blonde man in a green mask flying towards her, carrying a red-haired woman. “Larynx! Hydro Girl! What are you doing here?”

“We were going to ask the same thing,” Rita said. “What’s going on, and how are you flying?”

“Long story about the flying,” she said. “I’ll fill you in later. Right now, I was trying to find something odd I saw.”

“Odd? Like what?” Rita asked.

“Well, something or things glinted in the sky. I don’t know what they were. I don’t think they were planes or… there!” Rainbow pointed to out above the ocean. “Did you see that?”

“See what?” Rita asked.

“I did!” Scott said firmly. “Let’s go!” He started to fly off, still carrying Rita.

Rainbow followed right away. “So you saw them too? What do you think they are?”

“I didn’t get a solid view,” he said, “but I saw the lights and got a rough size and shape. They’re definitely not planes, not jets anyway. They’re smaller than that.”

“Helicopters?” Rita asked.

“Bigger than that,” he said. “Plus, the way the light patterns moved, I don’t think it’d be helicopters. The movement was all wrong.”

“It can’t be UFOs, can it?” Rainbow asked.

Scott threw her a look. “You don’t believe in UFOs, Rainbow? How do you explain half the damn Justice Gang?”

“Oh, I didn’t say that,” the brunette replied. “I mean, I’ve just never seen one before. Have either of you?”

“I have,” Scott said. “Many times.”

The heroes picked up speed as they moved across the sky. The waves of the Atlantic rolled and turned beneath them.

“Maybe we lost them,” Rainbow said, her hair blowing about behind her.

“Possib…” Scott started to say.

Suddenly, there was a huge whooshing of sound and air above their heads. A large ship, about as long as an eighteen-wheeler and twice the width, skimmed over their heads. “Holy…” Rainbow uttered as the glinting metal flyer rocketed past.

With one hand still about Rita’s waist, Scott reached up and grabbed Rainbow’s arm. “Down! Now!” He yanked her hard, dragging her about fifty feet down in the air.

Another ship of the same size and design barreled past them!

“Whoa!” Rainbow exclaimed as she tried to catch her breath.

“Flying 101: watch where you are!” Scott exclaimed.

“At least we found our UFOs,” Rita said. “Let’s not lose them now so we can find out who they are.” She turned to Scott and noticed a look on his face. “What is it?”

“I know who they are,” he said solemnly. “I’ve seen that ship design before.”

“Who are they?” Rainbow asked.

“The Omni-Lords!” Scott flew after the ships with Rainbow trailing behind him.

“Scott, who are the Omni-Lords?” Rita asked in his ear.

“Later,” he said firmly. “Right now, we have to see why two of their ships are on Earth, or, more appropriately, why is one ship pursuing the other?” They continued to backtrack, following the ships.

“We’re gaining on them,” Rainbow noticed after a bit.

Indeed, the two ships were in some aerial dog-fight. They cut across and back, one clearly circling the other and trying to inhibit its flight path.

Finally, the pursuing ship cut it too close, scraping its wing against the backside of the other ship. Dark, thick smoke came out of the ruptured hull of the injured ship as it wobbled and floundered out of control. The pursuing ship cut back over its prey, almost as if trying to get a confirmation that it had severely crippled the ship.

Just then the engine of the damaged ship exploded, taking out the entire back end of the vessel. The blast of the explosion caught the wing of the other ship with flaming shrapnel. The pursuer was now damaged too! It plunged, out of control directly into the ocean with a loud splash and vanished out of sight. Meanwhile the first damaged ship skidded across the ocean surface like a stone.

“Oh my god!” Rainbow exclaimed as she paused in the air.

Scott continued down to the ship still floating, barely, on the surface. He touched down on the top hull and put Rita to her feet. “Hydro Girl, make sure the fire’s out near the back,” he told her. “We don’t want that to blow!”

Rita nodded silently and took off carefully across the top of the ship. If the ocean water rushing in hadn’t already but out the fire, her powers certainly would.

“Larynx, what should I do?” Rainbow asked as she hovered in the air near him.

“You’ve got some speed, girl,” he said as he reached for a hatch on the roof. “Do you think anyone’s back at Mystifier’s place?”

“I know he and Amazon were there earlier,” she said. “That’s when I got these new abilities.”

“Fine! Go get them!” he ordered. “We’ll be right here!”

“Got it!” Rainbow nodded. She then took off like a shot towards the shore and the city.

Scott, meanwhile, tried to find the release for the hatch door. “Come on, come on!” Then, frustrated, he stood back and let loose a tight sonic blast, focused directly to the hatch.

The metal buckled at the assault, groaned loudly, and then finally gave way. The metal hatch door dropped down into the ship, clanging against the metal floor as it hit.

Scott dropped down softly after it into the ship’s cargo hull. The opening he had made above allowed fresh salt air to rush inside. From the back, he could smell in contrast the damage to the engines. He could only imagine how severe it was, but he didn’t have time to check.

This is a standard, one person-flier, he thought to himself. If anyone is still alive, I’m likely to find them in the cockpit. Scott turned to his left and moved to the front part of the vessel. An alien language was scribed in dark blue above the door. Scott could make out some of the words. He had the right place.

He moved his hand to the door handle. Hope it’s not locked. He was about to pull the door wide open, but he then hesitated.

I wouldn’t expect a hostile response, but then again whoever is on the other side might think I’m the pilot of the other vessel come to see if the job was finished.

“Hello,” he called out loudly as he pounded firmly on the door with his fist. “I come in peace.” And then, switching to the alien tongue, “Deig na replaha. Deig na replaha.”

Scott waited a few beats. He heard no response from the other side or any sounds of someone scurrying about the cockpit. Okay, he thought. I’ve announced my intentions. Only thing left is to do is to go in. He grabbed the handle, gave it a turn and slid the door aside.

Looking into the cockpit, he saw a figure had been thrown onto the control panel during the impact. It was a humanoid looking figure with yellow skin and dressed in a blue uniform.

Scott approached the figure cautiously. “Hello? Are you all right? I’m here to help.” He put his hand slowly to the alien’s neck, feeling for a pulse of some kind. It was very faint. “I’m here to help. Do you understand me? Dieg va leess. Dieg va leess.”

The Omni-Lord groaned wearily but did not change position at all.

Scott put his hand gently under the alien’s chest and slowly leaned the body back into the pilot’s chair. He saw that blood stained the console where the head had contacted it sharply, most likely during the impact with the water when the ship was taken down.

“Is he okay?” Rita asked, now standing in the doorway.

Scott turned to her. “I don’t know yet. I haven’t gotten a good look at the injury. Is the fire out?”

“It’s out,” she replied. “But the damage was pretty thorough. This ship won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t sink like the other one,” Scott said. He turned back to the pilot to see what further help he could be. “Hold on, we’ll…” He stopped suddenly, his jaw dropping in disbelief.

“Scott, what is it?” Rita asked.

“This man…I know him,” Scott said now that he had gotten a good look at the pilot.

“You know him? How?”

“His name is Zepar,” Scott said. “He’s the Omni-Lord who gave me my powers!”

Rita’s own look matched Scott’s. “That’s unbelievable.”

Zepar groaned and his eyes fluttered open. He strained to focus on the figures around him.

“Zepar,” the blonde man said. “It’s me. Scott. Scott Ballard. Do you remember? You’re on Earth, my home planet.”

The yellow-skinned alien coughed. “…scott…” he said, his voice weak.

“Yes,” the young man said. “It’s me. Don’t try to move. You’ve been badly hurt. Your ship is damaged.”

Rita moved closer. “Scott, what do you need me to do?”

He didn’t turn when he addressed her. “Go topside and watch for the others. Let me know as soon as they arrive.”

“Okay,” she said. She turned and headed out of the cockpit.

Scott turned back to the alien and took his hand. “Zepar, what happened? What brought you back to Earth? Were you trying to find me?”

The alien coughed again, and his whole body jerked up in the seat and fell. “…no…” he said softly. “…a renegade…Bolstrom…was tracking…got discovered…”

Scott put the pieces together. “This Bolstrom, he’s an Omni-Lord too?”

Zepar just nodded.

“So the guy went renegade, and you were tracking him down to bring him in. But he found out and went after you instead, right?” The hunted became the hunter.

“…yes…” was all the injured alien could muster.

“Don’t move,” Scott said. “We’ll get you help.”

Zepar shook his head. “…no…too late…for me…”

“No, it’s not too late,” Scott said. “Just lie still.”

“…dying…” Zepar said.   He strained his eyes to get a good look at the young man. He lifted his hand, shakily, reaching out to touch Scott’s face. Scott leaned forward. The hand rested uneasy on his cheek. “…grew up fine…”

Scott forced a smile despite the feeling of dread welling up inside of him. “I tried.”

“…you did…” Zepar said. He coughed once more and closed his eyes. His hand fell to his body.

“No!” Scott cried as he clutched the body of the alien. “No, don’t…”

But it was too late. He was gone. There was nothing more that the Earth man could do to save his old friend. Scott started to cry. And one thought fought its way through the devastation over losing his old friend: vengeance!

(to be continued)