The Protectors

"Standoff Against Zandorok" by Martin Maenza

Three costumed female figures stood back as the blue and red robed young sorcerer named Mystifier floated before them in a trance. Ten minutes ago, they had been back in his Greenwich Village manor and had decided they need to venture to the mystical realm ruled by the evil Zandorok in order to rescue their friends. Now, they stood in the selfsame bizarre realm as they watched mystical energy pour forth from their host.

"Why are we delaying?" the dark skinned heroine in the light violet costume asked. "We need to be helping my brother and the others."

"Don't worry, Emotion," the red haired woman in the purple and red costume said as she placed a calming hand on the other's shoulder. "We'll rescue them. Mystifier promised."

"Hydro Girl is right," the brown haired woman in the white costume with rainbow trim replied. "Mystifier said though he had to insure the Zandorok's marching horde was not able to invade the Earth while we were gone."

Mystifier ceased his incantation and landed to the ground, stumbling slightly. Hydro Girl and Rainbow ran to his side and helped steady him. "Ladies, thank you," he said. "Putting those magical wards in place did take a bit more out of me than I had planned."

"Will they work?" Hydro Girl asked.

"They should deter Zandorok's hordes long enough for the time of passing to expire," he said. "Our friends were able to delay the armies enough before their capture. My magic will now insure that the Earth is safe, for now."

"Good!" Rainbow replied. "Then it is time to find the others."

"Are you strong enough to get us to the evil man's lair?" Emotion asked.

The cowled sorcerer nodded. "Yes, my dear, I think I can summon enough magicks to transport us there - though I will have to count on you three to lead the rescue while I recover some."

"No problem," Hydro Girl answered firmly. "You just get us there, and we'll take care of rescuing the others."

Mystifier nodded and, with a wave of his hand, the quartet were whisked across the realm to the castle of his greatest foe.


A small contingency of orc warriors stood guard at the castle ramparts, watching for any approaching enemies. Little did they expect that the four heroes would appear magically within the walls themselves.

Mystifier leaned back against one of the walls for support. "I am sorry this has taken so much out of me," he said, catching his breath.

"Rest," Emotion said. "We can find out where the others are."

"And I have an idea on how to do just that," Rainbow said. She craned her neck from the hidden alcove to get a good glimpse of the creatures on the wall. They were orange skinned orc creatures with pointed ears, scraggly teeth and tufts of black fur sticking out of the gray metal armor.

The heroine concentrated and used her illusion powers to alter her appearance.

In a moment, her beautiful human form faded to be replaced by the ugly form of the creature warriors that Zandorok employed.

"Well, how do I look?" Rainbow asked.

Hydro Girl smiled at the sweet voice coming from the monstrous form. "You've got the look," she said, "but your voice is still the same. You best keep your ears open and your mouth shut."

"Oh, right," Rainbow said. Her powers were light based and allowed her to change how she appeared to others. But her voice could not be disguised. "I'll keep that in mind. Wish me luck." The other did so, and she ventured off into the main grounds confidently.

The disguised heroine moved normally at first but quickly altered her gate upon seeing some of the other orcs move across the way. Got to fit in, got to fit in - she mentally told herself. Still, she knew this was going to be a challenge, to get the information she needed without tipping her hand.

Rainbow approached a pair of creatures who were talking.

"...prefer to taste battle on the front-line than have guard duty!" one of them grumbled.

"As would I!" the other barked. He noticed the approach of the disguised heroine. "How about you? This stinks, right?"

Both sets of eyes were on her. Rainbow just let out her deepest guttural grunt in reply. "Uhhhhh!" She hoped it would suffice.

"We don't even have the good job!" the first one complained more. "We're stuck here to relieve the wall guards. At least those in the north tower can watch when the captives get tortured!"

The second one grunted in agreement.

Rainbow mimicked his response, and then she started to trudge off. I need to get back to the others now and tell them, she thought.


"Aaaargh!" Amazon exclaimed as she pushed against the sides and ceiling of the cell walls. Despite her increased size and strength, the energy barrier refused to budge. "It'!"

"Shrink down, girl," the dark-skinned young man in green said, pressed against one of the walls to avoid getting stomped on by the heroine's foot.

Dejected, the orange and red clad blonde heroine gave in and returned to her normal height. "It wouldn't give, User," Amazon said.

"You tried," the blue and red clad Ricochet said to her.

"The kid's speed couldn't break through it. My absorption powers couldn't adapt to it. And it seems to resist your strength," User ticked off. "Only one more way to go." He turned to the blonde haired young man in orange and green. "Ready to give it a shot, Larynx?"

"Why not?" the sonic hero replied. "But you guys better cover your ears good and tight. I'm going to give it everything I've got."

"Go for it!" Ricochet said. He and the others put their hands tightly to the sides of their heads.

Larynx nodded, opened his mouth and began to vibrate his throat. A high pitch wail came forth and increased in volume. With the force of a banshee, the young man focused the beam of sound into a tight blast, trying to pierce the energy cube that surrounded them.

Sweat began to form on his brow as he held a sustained note for what seemed like minutes. He watched the wall intently, looking for any signs of stress or weakness.

None revealed themselves.

Finally, his breath and power giving way, he stopped his sonic song and collapsed to the floor.

Ricochet was right there by his side. "You okay?" He offered a hand.

Larynx gasped for air and nodded. "Yeah...only thing hurt is my ego."

"Welcome to the club," Amazon said. She knew the quartet was in trouble. She only hoped that the cavalry would come and soon. If not, she had no idea what would be in store for them at the hands of the mad conqueror they'd be sent her to stop.


"Stop!" one of the orc soldiers shouted as a small group charged after their quarry. Ahead of them ran four costumed heroes.

"I'm sorry," Rainbow apologized. "I didn't realize I was being followed when I rejoined you."

"It's no one's fault," Emotion said without looking back. She was helping Mystifier run, allowing him to still recover his mystical resources. "Right now we have to get to that north tower and my brother and the others."

"I'll buy us some time!" Hydro Girl said as they turned a corner down another hallway of the castle. She spun around quickly and thrust her arms forward. Suddenly, the moisture in the air was at her command. She focused on the floor of the hall they just left and tried to ignore the angry shouts and clangs of armor of the orcs that approached. Come on!

Just as it sounded like the guards were upon the corner, their angry shouts changed in tone. Suddenly, one then two and then more slid past the corner, their feet slipping out from under them. They skidded on past and ended up further away from the corner in one big piled up heap.

Hydro Girl smiled. Her ice powers were able to make the stone floor super-slick in just enough time. She hurried on to join the others. "We've got some time; let's make the most of it."

"Which way from here?" Emotion asked. They had another hallway junction that lead in two directions.

"To the left," Mystifier said. "I sense Zandorok's presence this way."

"Are the others there too?" Rainbow asked.

"I know my enemy," the young man replied. "He will have them close."

"Then let's go!" Hydro Girl said. The four ran on.

After a number of twists and turns down the labyrinthine halls, they arrived at a large chamber. The stone pillars spaced twenty feet apart around the room came together at a domed ceiling thirty feet above the marble floor. The torches that lit the room sat in gold holders encrusted with gemstones. A great throne, also in gold with a towering back piece, sat empty at the far end of the room.

"Wow..." Rainbow uttered. The other women were equally impressed.

Mystifier stood firm. "Be on guard!" he warned. "Our enemy is near!"

Suddenly, a deep laughter echoed through the chamber. "So predictable! I knew you'd come right to me if I captured your friends!"

The young heroic sorcerer gritted his teeth. "Where are you, Zandorok? Show yourself!"

"Gladly!" There was a bright burst of energy in the upper portion of the room, and the evil black haired wizard appeared. His purple cape flowed behind him as he was kept aloft easily by his mystical powers. "You were a fool to stand in my way, young Haygner, just as your father was. I've dealt with him, and I'll deal with you!" He cocked back his arm and then thrust it forward. Lightning coursed through the air!

"Move!" Mystifier cried out in warning. The four scrambled aback just before the bolt struck the floor near where the four heroes stood.

Zandorok laughed more. "Ha ha ha! You scramble like insects before my power!"

Emotion glared at the man who floated above them. "Where are the others?"

Mystifier added, "What have you done with them?"

"Done?" Zandorok replied. "Nothing...yet! Just kept them detained so that I could destroy them along with you, my hated foe!" The black haired sorcerer waved his hand.

In the center of the chamber, a shimmering sphere appeared. Then, the energy that formed it abated, and four costumed figures tumbled to the ground, weary but quite whole.

"Jerry!" Emotion cried, running to User's side. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, sis," the black young man replied, "fine but itchin' for some action!"

"Forget that!" Larynx said. "Let's get out of here!"

"Fools!" Zandorok bellowed. "You will not escape! Already my army has the castle surrounded. If you chose not to face me, then you will face the point of their weapons and the strength of their might!"

"We can take this blowhard!" Amazon stated. She started to increase her size as she reached up to grab the floating villain. Her gloved hand was soon large enough to wrap around his entire body.

"No one touches me!" Zandorok bellowed. A surge of energy surrounded his body and ran through Amazon's hand. The blonde giant let out a cry as the energy coursed down her arm, but she refused to release him.

"We must strike together!" Mystifier ordered. "Everyone, focus your attacks!"

"We'll hit Amazon!" Ricochet pointed out. "Allow me to hold him a bit better!" The speedster darted to the center of the room and began to run around and around in a tight circle. A pillar of air rose above his path, creating a vortex. As it rose high enough to reach Zandorok, he shouted, "Amazon, now!"

The blonde heroine let go just as the vortex came up. It took her hand's place in hold the villain fast.

"Nice, kid!" User said. "Now, everyone else hit 'em with your blasts!"

In unison, the heroes positioned themselves and opened fire! Rainbow hurled her multicolored energy bursts. Hydro Girl slammed him with a high pressured stream of water. Larynx brought forth a wall of sound to slam the villain back and disrupt his concentration.

"Hold him," Mystifier said, "while I prepare a banishment spell to subdue him!"

"Aaargh!" Zandorok wailed. "You only bring forth my anger! I will rend the flesh off your very bones!"

User turned to his sister. "Karen, we need you to keep him off balance."

The black woman nodded. "I'll try, Jerry." Emotion focused her eyes on the evil man and concentrated. She needed to take the doubt and insecurity she was feeling herself and project that into Zandorok's mind. If she could unnerve him enough, he wouldn't be able to mount a counterattack against them.

User could see the strain this was putting on his sister. He put an arm about Emotion's shoulder. "You can do, this girl. Keep it up."

"Noooo!" Zandorok cried out above them. "Get out of my head! I command you!"

"You're in no position to command anyone, Zandy!" Amazon taunted. She glanced over at Mystifier who had been in quiet meditation. Then she saw his eyes snap open. She had seen that look before. "Now you're going to get it!"

Mystifier thrust his hands forward and released a great amount of mystic energy. The burst shot into the air and enveloped Zandorok.

"Noooo! Nooo!" The villain cried out, but there was little he could do. The energy encircled him, bound him, and then contracted upon itself. When it faded, it had taken the evil sorcerer with it.

Mystifier started to stumble back. Amazon caught him. "Take it easy, Mysty, you did it," she said with some assurance.

"Are you okay, man?" User asked.

"I'll be fine in a few moments," the winded sorcerer said.

"Good," Larynx said. "Since last time I checked, you're our ride home out of this crazy place!"

"What about the guards outside?" Emotion asked. "There is still an army out there."

Rainbow smiled. "I've got an idea," she said. "Larynx, give me a hand?"

The blonde male hero looked at her oddly. "What do you have in mind, girl?"


Outside of the castle, the army of orcs had gathered. Those whom the heroes had deterred previously were returning, and they met with the head of the guard for the castle. "What do we do now?" grunted one of the generals.

"We wait for word from our master!" the other snapped.

They looked to the silent castle. "And how long will that be?"

"Not long!" a voice snapped from above. The orcs looked up and saw floating towards them the black haired human they knew to be Zandorok. They then dropped to their knees in respect and slight fear.

"We could not penetrate the barrier to the other realm, master," one of the generals apologized, his head facing the dirt.

"I have changed my plans!" Zandorok spoke. "That realm no longer interests me!"

"Then what would you ask of us?" the other general inquired.

"Nothing!" Zandorok spat. "Your service to me is at an end! Go back to your lands!"

The orcs looked at one another in shock. "Master...?"

"Are you questioning me?" Zandorok spat. There was a quick chorus of no's. The floating man smiled. "Oh, and before you depart, take whatever you wish from the castle and burn the rest!"

Before the orcs could inquire further, the sorcerer vanished in a burst of light, leaving them thoroughly confused.

A good distance way, Rainbow and Larynx swooped low across the skyline in order to catch up with the others. "I gotta hand it to you, girl," the sonic singer said. "Your illusions seemed to have them fooled."

Rainbow smiled. "I gave you the look, but you sure pulled off the voice."

"When your voice is your power, you learn a few tricks - like mimicry," Larynx replied. "Good thing his was easy to impersonate."

"So, you think it worked?" she asked.

From the distance behind them, they heard a loud cheer followed by horns of charging towards the castle. "Yep, I would say it did," he said with a grin. Soon, they joined the six others. "Mission accomplished."

"Good," said Hydro Girl. "Then let's head home."

Mystifier, who had recovered once more, concentrated. In an instance, the group was surrounded by a mystical ring of energy. A few moments later, and they were back in Greenwich Village once more.

"My friends, thank you," the heroic sorcerer said. "I could not have stopped that invasion without your help."

"We did work well together," User admitted.

"Maybe we can do it again," Hydro Girl said. She looked over at Larynx and smiled.

He tried not to blush. "Yeah, that would be kind of cool."


Meanwhile, in a dimly lit secret lair, seven costumed figures sat in the shadows in a semicircle. Before them, beneath a single blaring light bulb was a dark blue costume with red boots and gloves. On his chest was a white triangle facing down with a red circle in the center. His head was covered by a blue cowled mask.

"You know why you were asked here?" a hulking figure with a feminine voice asked in a demanding manner.

"Of course I do, lady!" the Geometric Man mocked defensively. He tried not to show any signs of fear, despite those he was currently being judged by. He knew them by reputation and could probably identify most of them despite the dimness of the room. For example, he figured that had to be Madame Mammoth who was running the show. She was known for her reputation as the hard-line leader. Still, it was their gathering, and he had to play along. "One of your old members recently ended up in the Pen, so you guys need a replacement member. And I plan to fill the Octagon's eighth seat!"

"Humph!" one of the males grumbled. "I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you." Geometric Man guessed that had to be Doctor Delirium.

"I say give him a chance," another female responded. "Once he proves himself, we can let him into our inner circle and share our resources with him."

"So, how does a guy prove himself?" Geometric Man asked. "Knock over a bank?"

"Nothing so common as that," one of the other males answered. "If you truly think you have what it takes to be part of the evil elite, you have to aim much higher than that!"

He didn't like the sound of that. "How high did you have in mind?"

The gruff woman in the shadows, Mammoth, took charge of the gathering again. "Very simply, we expect you to challenge, battle and defeat any one of New York's many super-heroes. And, we are only giving you seventy two hours in which to do it. Failure is not an option!"

Geometric Man nodded silently, then added "Okay, lady. I agree to those terms." He bent down and touched a control on his belt. Suddenly a shimmering rectangular doorway appeared in the air before him and grew to full size. "I'll see you in three days or less." With that, he stepped through the transportational doorway and vanished.

"Do you think he can pull it off, Mammoth?" asked one of the other males.

The large woman rose from the table and moved into the light. Her hair was a golden mane, and she wore a brown costume with yellow trim about her muscular frame. "He better, Mimic," she replied, "or he'll be the one who will be the one who suffers!"

(to be continued)